ODT Hub Programme

An introduction to the Organ Donation and Transplantation Hub Programme


The NHS Blood & Transplant Strategy Taking Organ Transplantation to 2020 gave a commitment to significantly increase numbers of organ donors and transplants. To meet the requirements of this strategy, we needed to strengthen and develop our processes and systems, and this is what the Organ Donation and Transplantation Hub Programme set out to achieve.

Our vision is:

To provide a simpler, safer, responsive service that supports clinicians in matching world class performance in organ donation and transplantation, with a clinically led 24/7 support centre at its core and renewed technology as its foundation.


Over a period of five years the ODT Hub Programme has successfully transformed and enhanced existing donation transplantation processes, as well as introducing several new initiatives.

The latter part of 2019 saw the programme team immersed in designing and running several strategy workshops around the UK to identify and assess what the country feels we should be focussing on during the next 5 to 10 years.

Nearly 500 people attended these strategy days, giving us over 4,000 valuable and important ideas, questions and suggestions to consider.  Everyone who took part demonstrated a huge amount of passion and commitment and the quality of discussion and outputs generated was tremendous.

The process of writing the strategy itself is well underway and a period of consultation and review will follow.  We are on target to publish the final version during Spring 2020.  

Highlights of the ODT Hub Programme

The ODT Hub programme so far

If you have any questions, please email programme.odthub@nhsbt.nhs.uk