Organ specific reports

The organ specific reports communicate statistics about organ donors, organ offers and declines, transplant waiting lists, transplant activity and survival rates after transplantation to relevant healthcare professionals and public and patient groups.

The reports include national and centre specific data over a number of years and enable analysis of trends over time and highlight differences between transplant centres. There is a report per organ group thus providing more detailed information and complementing our NHSBT Organ Donation and Transplantation Annual Activity Report. A slide set of all charts in the report is available for use in presentations. All data are from the UK Transplant Registry held by NHS Blood and Transplant.

2023-2024 reports

Summary infographics

Summary infographics to supplement and communicate key findings from the Organ Specific Reports will be available shortly.

Full reports


The liver report for 2023-2024 will be published shortly.


The intestine report for 2023-2024 will be published shortly.

Older organ specific reports

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